Thursday, June 16, 2011

In the Morning

Everyone in the house is sleeping peacefully when the alarm clock breaks the silence at 5:30 am. In the 2.4 seconds it takes me to shut off the alarm our two dogs have gone from zero to full-speed. They run around, jump in the air, pant loudly, and pace back and forth eagerly awaiting their breakfast followed by a quick walk around the neighborhood.

Rather than allow the dogs' high energy level to be infectious, I just find it annoying.

The reason for the difference in our morning attitude? While I busily get myself ready to head out for 8 hours at the office, Soda & Mel are preparing themselves for settling in to their beds for 8 more hours of sleep.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Prest! I didn't know you had a blog or I'd be reading it. Before I get to my next comment I want to remind you that I make a lot less money than you. As a teacher I never set an alarm during the summer!


    ps I got excited when I read "Lyric of the Week." I think you should start posting "Original Lyric of the Week."

  2. Does this mean you wish you were a dog? :)
