Monday, March 31, 2008

It's official, I'm going to Japan! I'm incredibly excited that I will be spending 4 weeks from May 12-June 12 with some classmates traveling and studying architecture in Japan (this image is the most visited castle in Japan, Himeji Castle). If anyone has any suggestions on where to go or what to see, let me know. Also if you have any extra money laying around that you don't know what to do with, I've got a good way to spend it...I'm willing to wear a t-shirt the with your name on it the entire trip if you'd like to be recognized as an "official sponsor".


  1. Daag,
    That is going to rock! I think I got like a couple Washingtons if that is enough for a sponsership.

  2. DAWG,
    That rocks! I think I got a couple Washingtons lying around if that is enough for a sponsership.
