Monday, August 20, 2012

The Cleanse: Week 7 - These Shoes Used to be Made for Walking

Despite the fact that I sit at a desk most days for the majority of the day, I still do my fair share of walking: The dogs get their usual 1+ mile walk in the mornings; then I push the girls in their stroller the 3/4 mile to "school"; then (if I'm not riding my bike) it's either another 1/4 mile walk to the bus stop or if I'm feeling energetic -- and the weather is nice -- I make the 2 mile trip to the office on foot. 

As a result, the soles of my work shoes end up looking like this after not too long:
For whatever reason I sometimes have a hard time throwing the old shoes out after the replacements have been purchased. My inner hoarder at work, I suppose.

Obviously The Cleanse is a reflection of my turning over a new leaf; so into the trash they went -- along with a couple of pairs of yard work shoes that looked a bit like this:
As long as I was clearing off the shoe shelf, I decided to donate a pair of Doc Martins that I had occasionally worn, but not enough to wear out. I never really liked them as they were a little bit too long and kind-of turned up at the toes. I basically felt like I was wearing elf shoes.

Although maybe I jumped the gun a bit as things in the architecture field aren't going super well I have contemplated going back to school. Wearing these too-long shoes I'd fit right in at clown college.

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